Colorado School of Trades

20,000 square foot

established in 1947

  • 1947 gunsmith education program established
  • founded by John J. Snyder
  • 1950’s ceased offering all programs but Gunsmithing
  • in the same location since the early 1970’s
  • 1990 purchased by Sawtooth, Inc.
  • 1990 to 2018 Robert E. Martin served as President of Sawtooth, Inc
  • 1992 first offered Associate Degree in Gunsmithing
  • up to 160 students
  • Associate of Occupational Studies Degree in Gunsmithing , 800 total hours
  •  students learn how to succeed in gunsmithing career.
  • student-run CST Rifle & Pistol Club
  • just a few miles from Denver

School training students in the Artisan Craft of Gunsmithing

Colorado School of Trades
575 HOYT ST., LAKEWOOD, CO 80215

(303) 233-4697 EXT. 11

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