AZ Firearms

WOW, what an Amazing Gun Shop

Ending up the Gun Show Loophole Tour with a sweet shop in Avondale, Arizona
Dan & Cheryl from @GunFreedomRadio run this gun shop and an auction house @PotOfGoldAuctions

This shop does NOT seem like a neglected third business however

Its an awesome REAL gun shop

First off, there are more guns here than any two typical gun shops, all neatly & interestingly arranged from floor to ceiling, on shelves, racks and in displays bursting at the seams



Its an awesome experience to wander their shop, and let your eyes jump from item to item, discovering all the cool stuff

They have antique and modern, current models and discontinued items. There are a LOT of guns

The friendly staff is available to answer questions, as I expected after listening to the podcast for so long

Our last gun shop of the tour, was no accident

Dan & Cheryl are true 2A advocates, it’s a pleasure to finally visit the shop, and an honor to feature their store as the last one on this leg of the tour

LISTEN to their 2 hour weekly podcast, and check out the podcast’s website, it is amazing. The catalog of guests they have had on their show is impressive and their website archives each guest, each show and each topic wonderfully #RealGunShop

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