Creedmoor Rifle Range

70 acres

opened on June 21, 1873 – 1891

  • 1873 the Irish Rifle team challenged the NRA to a rifle shooting match at Creedmoor in the next year
  • 1874 The Amateur Club accepted the challenge and won by a small margin
    –  the Leech Cup was presented by Major Arthur Leech, Captain of the visiting Irish Rifle Team
    -the oldest trophy in competitive target shooting in the United States
  • the start of The Palma Match
  • 1891 annual International competitions, organised by the NRA, were ended
    – moved to National Guard Camp Sea Girt, New Jersey
    – hosted by the New Jersey State Rifle Association
  • 1907 Creedmoor site reverted to the State of New York
  • 1912 became the Farm Colony of Brooklyn State Hospital
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