Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum

600 on display 1,200+ in collection


Canyon, Texas 

  • 1921  Panhandle-Plains Historical Society created
  • 1932 construction of Pioneer Hall began
  • on the campus of what is now West Texas A&M University
    – originally 12,500 square-foot 
    – 75 West Texas cattle brands surrounded the entrance
  • 1973, West Texas State University donated its former library to the museum
  • 1986 museum expanded 75,000 square-foot to connect the existing museum and the former WTSU library
  • largest history museum in Texas
  • 285,000 square feet
  • over two million artifacts

  •  Winchester Model 1873 owned by legendary Comanche leader Quanah Parker
  • pieces going back as far as the Spanish explorers of the 15th century
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