Gallenson’s in Salt Lake City is one of the coolest gun shops on the tour so far
We first visited @Gallensons_Guns_ in 2010 while Touring Salt Lake City, Utah gun shops. We attended the Outdoor Retailer show and stayed a few extra days to see Utah Gun Shops
It was an amazing experience to wander though Gallensons, they are such a large and complete gun shop, not an outfitter, not a sporting goods store, but a REAL old fashioned Gun Shop
There is cool stuff from floor to celling. Not just a few shotguns chokes, not just a few reloading dies.. all of them
Everything you might need, or didn’t know you needed
The shop is an experience. When you visit, do yourself a favor and park in back, so you can see all the cool gun-themed murals
The front of Gallenson’s store is covered too, all local artists and all gun-themed
Attentive staff, are knowledgeable and ready to help.
Plan to spend sone time when you visit, there is more stuff in this shop than in any big box “gun department”

Gallenson’s in Salt Lake City
166 E 200 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84111