Colonial Shooting Academy


Opened on Wednesday, April 25, 2012

They claim to be, and are referred to as the largest gun range, but no where on their website does it list the features of the facility..

  • largest indoor shooting range in the country
  • 50 shooting lanes from 20 to 25 yards
  • 32 ranges that are open to the public
  • 11 ranges and a “shoot house” for law enforcement training
  • 1,800-square-foot shoothouse
    movable walls, multiple hallways and 10 different rooms
  • 5,000 square feet  of retail
  • classrooms
  • meeting rooms
  • almost 100 guns for rent
  • 2012 Five Star Range – National Shooting Sports Foundation
  • 2013 Range of the Year by SHOT Business Magazine

  • former furniture store, originally constructed in the 1960’s
  • was vacant for 5 years

Colonial Shooting Academy
6020 West Broad St.
Richmond, VA 23230
804.266.AMMO (2666)

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