Desert Eagle Guns

Another closed Gun SHop, that went out of business, or moved away

We found about 10 of these on the 2017 Tour

Gun Shops are the small businesses that created the firearms industry

Gun Shops are the small businesses that created the firearms industry
Gun shops are under attack
Customer Apathy – is their biggest enemy
If the people who support the gun shops quit, there is little hope for the stores and their employees
Big Box Stores – are always an issue. Whether local or online they often take critical non-gun purchases from the local shops. These purchase decisions are taking much critical income away from local gun shops
Laws & Regulations – are easy to create & enforce on an ignored group, and gun shops are burdened with many rules customers would not tolerate at other businesses
Many other issues face gun shops today.. we address those & feature a new gun shop EVERY DAY on the @DailyGunShowpodcast, check it out & suggest YOUR local gun shop to be featured on our show

We are also driving to shops again this year on the #GunShowLoopholeTour
Watch the vids, interviews & pics as we explore gun shops of the USA
Support the tour, link on our profile page @GunWebsites
Thanks everyone for supporting your local Gun Shop

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